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  • Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Philosophy 

    Beginning in 2011, the National Council for Agricultural Education held a national summit and began work on determining what the driving forces were behind high quality experiential, work based and project based learning in agricultural education. This was a need brought on by what appeared to be a lower number of students being exposed to the SAE component of agricultural education through the local classroom. Over the course of four years a national committee met and held discussions with the intent of renewing the profession’s commitment to SAE as an essential component of student learning that should be used with every student in school based agricultural education. The committee recognized that in the context of today’s agricultural education programs many teachers and students were facing significant barriers to making the commitment to this level of experiential learning a reality.


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    Turf Grass Managment

    My SAE project is owning my own lawn care business. I started it at the beginning of my freshman year. I have a mower I rent from my father and my trailer was given to me by my grandpa and I use my own truck. My SAE project is under Turf grass management Entrepreneurship. What I have learned is how to be organized and how to make invoices for my customer. I have also learned how to work on my equipment efficiently.

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    Poultry Production Entrepreneurship

    My SAE project is selling homegrown chicken eggs. This consists of taking care of our farms hens and keeping them healthy. Also, collecting, cleaning, and branding our eggs to sell to the community. Through this project, I have grown my people skills and expanded my connections throughout the community. I have also learned the importance of prioritizing to keep customers happy. Overall, this project of selling eggs has benefited me greatly in many areas of my life!

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    Agriculture Services Placement

    One of my SAE projects is my placment SAE at Hawkeye Breeders. I got this job because I really enjoy working. I have learned a lot while I have worked there. I have gotten better at mechanical things, but I have also learned a lot. I have learned about the EU and CSS regulations. But most importantly I have lear ed that I enjoy working with cattle. I never knew that before because on our farm we do not have livestock. This job has opened many career path for me, and I really love working there.

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    Ag Services Entrepreneurship

    My SAE project is a ag service entrepreneurship where I am a Magnawave practitioner. I work on livestock to improve performance quality, and to better the animal's health. Through my project I have learned the importance of communication with clients, managing a business, and prioritizing my time. Overall this project has greatly helped me in many ways and I look forward to continuing it and expanding my project throughout the rest of my high school years.

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    Grain Production

    I work for Stine Seed in the summer where I assist in the pollenation process in test plots. On a day to day basis we would gather information on modified crop products to define their differences. This was educational because I learned about another era of the agriculture industry.

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    Wildlife Production

    My SAE project is a placement where I work for my dad and his trapping business. It consists of going out and settings traps, learning the baits and lures and setting different types of traps and sets to attract different animals. Once an animal is caught, we dispatch the animal and bring it home to skin it. We skin the hide from the animal and fold it up in the freezer and let it sit before we take it to get harvested!


    Students in Agriculture classes or also enrolled in the FFA chapter are capable of operating their own Supervised Agricultural Experience, 
    to learn more about the industry ideal for finding a future career.


    Foundational SAEs support a student's career interest. Projects and experiential learning activities for all types of SAEs will develop the student in each of these five Foundational component areas: Career Exploration. Employability Skills & College Readiness. Personal Financial Management.


    If students prefer to work for themselves and be their own boss, an Ownership/Entrepreneurship SAE might fit best. In an Ownership SAE, students will create, own and operate a business that provides goods and/or services to the marketplace. As students gain more experience, they can transition an Ownership SAE to an Entrepreneurship SAE by meeting additional criteria.


    In a Placement or Internship SAE, students have opportunities to gain experience in a chosen field as paid employees or volunteers. Students will likely seek guidance to determine whether a Placement or Internship SAE is most appropriate. Students are encouraged to grow a Placement SAE into an internship in the future.


    In a Research SAE, students will identify the variation of research they would like to pursue as Experimental, Analysis or Invention. They will determine their research question and work through the scientific method to acquire new knowledge and insights or supporting existing research. Students will likely seek guidance to determine what is feasible and realistic in pursing their research.


    In a School-Based Enterprise SAE, students lead business enterprises that provide goods or services. These businesses are operated from the school campus utilizing facilities, equipment, and other resources provided by the agricultural education program or the school and are owned by the school or FFA chapter. It is important to remember that School-Based Enterprises are student led. While the instructor will be available to provide guidance, they are not the primary decision maker of the business. With regular input from the board of directors, the student leadership team will be able to facilitate the ongoing processes and growth of the business.


    A Service-Learning SAE might be a good fit for students who have an interest in solving or improving community and/or agricultural issues. In a Service-Learning SAE, students (individually or as a small team) will plan, conduct, and evaluate a project that is designed to provide a service to the school, public entities or the community. The project must benefit an organization, a group, or individuals other than the FFA chapter.